Name:  Dr. Narendra Prasad Tiwari

Designation:  Assistant Professor

OPD Days:  Not  Applicable

Awards /Fellowships /Any special achievement:  Nil

Research work done and list of Publication links:

  • Attended Workshop of Neurology in AIIMS, Bhopal in June 2020.
  • Attended Revised Basic Course Workshop in MET and Training in AETCOM, NMC/MCI, from 8th to 10th July 2021 in People’s College of Medical Sciences & RC, Bhopal.


  1. Comparative study of Fat mass index and fat free mass index on blood pressure of young age group. Year – 2018
  2. A study on physical exercise and their effect on physical fitness and the VO2 Published as First Author, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume-8, [Issue-6], June-2018, ISSN No. 2249-555x, Impact Factor: 5.397
  3. A Study on effects of physical exercise on physical fitness and their correlation with recovery of pulse rate after establishing a possible mode of communication. Published as First Author, Peripex Indian Journal of Research, Volume-8, [Issue-1], January-2019, ISSN No. 2250-1991, Impact Factor: 6.761

Area of Interest: