Name:  Dr. Ajay Kumar Jain
Designation:  Professor in General Surgery
OPD Days:  Friday, 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM

Awards /Fellowships /Any special achievement: 
1. MCh (Pediatric Surgery)
2. FIAGES (Fellowship of Indian Association of Gastro-Intestinal Endo Surgeons)


Research work done and list of Publication links:

    • Nutan K, Jain AK. Hair tourniquet syndrome of labia minora in 14-year teen: A rare casereport. Int J Res Med Sci. 2020 April;8(4):1548-50.DOI:
    • Rizvi EH, Charokar K, Jain AK.Ectopic lumbar kidney: a rare presentation. Int Surg J. 2018 Oct;5(10) :3410-13.DOI:
    • Mohammed AM, Charokar K, Jain AK.Tuberculosis of the Sacrum: Our Experience and Review of Literature. Med J Clin Trials Case Stud. 2018 May;2(3): 000157. DOI: 10.23880/mjccs-16000157
    • Jain AK, SharmaD, Charokar K. Snodgrass tubularized incised plate urethroplasty for distal penile hypospadias in the pediatric age group: our experience. Int Surg J. 2016 Feb;3(1):217-220. DOI:
    • Jain AK, SharmaD. A prospective study of risk stratification in patients undergoing emergency laparotomy with POSSUM and P-POSSUM. Int Surg J. 2016 Feb;3(1):207-210. DOI:
    • Nema P, Jain AK. A clinical comparative study of different scoring systems in acute appendicitis. Int Surg J. 2016 Feb;3(1):184-188.DOI:
    • Charokar K, Garg N,Jain AK. Surgical management of abdominal tuberculosis: a retrospective study from Central India. Int Surg J. 2016 Feb;3(1):23-31. DOI:
    • Jain AK, Charokar K, Agrawal P.Correlation of CT scan findings with Glasgow coma scale scores in pediatric head injury. Int Surg J. 2015 Nov;2(4):676-679. DOI:
    • Jain AK, Charokar K. Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction in Relation to Patient Factors in Surgical Centre – A Study from Central India. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2015 Nov;14(11) Ver. I:104-110. DOI: 10.9790/0853-14111104109
    • Badkur M, Jain AK, Singh Y. A Case report of a rare large keratinous Cyst of the Breast. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2014 April;13(4) Ver. III, PP 10-12. DOI:10.9790/0853-13431012
    • Badkur M, Jain AK, Singh Y. A Case Report of Spigelian Hernia with Obstruction. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention. 2014 April;3(4): PP23-26.

Area of Interest:

  • Pediatric Laparoscopy