Keeping fit during your college years doesn’t have to break the bank. With a little creativity and some smart planning, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle without spending a fortune.

First tip is utilising campus facilities, most colleges and universities offer a range of fitness facilities that are included in your tuition fees. Take advantage of these amenities, whether it’s the gym, swimming pool or sports fields. You’re already paying for them, so make the most of them.

Another, who needs a gym when you have the great outdoors,  jogging, hiking, cycling and outdoor sports like basketball or soccer are all excellent ways to stay active without spending money. Grab a friend or two and explore nearby parks or trails for a fun and refreshing workout session.

YouTube is a treasure of free workout videos covering everything from yoga and pilates to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and dance workouts. Find a few channels or instructors you like and follow along with their videos in the comfort of your dorm room or apartment.

Instead of taking the bus or driving everywhere, opt for walking or biking whenever possible. Not only it saves money on transportation costs, but it also doubles as a form of exercise. Plus, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint in the process. With a little creativity and commitment, you can prioritise your fitness academically and socially during your college days.