In an era dominated by digital technology, where information is just a click away, the traditional newspaper may seem like an artefact of the past. For students, the tangible benefits of newspapers extend far beyond nostalgia.

On the other hand, newspapers provide a diverse range of articles covering various topics and give current events to in-depth analyses. Engaging with different writing styles and complex subjects in newspapers helps students improve their reading comprehension skills. The concise and structured nature of news articles aids in developing the ability to extract essential information efficiently.

Analysing news stories encourages students to think critically about the world around them. Reading newspaper helps to learn to evaluate information sources and develop a well-rounded perspective on current events. This critical thinking skill is crucial for academic success and future decision-making. Newspapers are a reliable source of current affairs. Students who stay informed about the world are better equipped to participate in classroom discussions, write informed essays and make connections between their coursework and real-world events. Being aware of current affairs also gives a sense of civic responsibility.

For students pursuing careers in journalism, media or related fields, newspapers offer a glimpse into the industry’s workings. Understanding editorial styles and observing the evolution of news stories can provide valuable insights and inspiration for aspiring writers and journalists.

Digital media bombard students with constant notifications and distractions. The act of sitting down with a physical newspaper provides an opportunity for being focused, uninterrupted reading, promoting better concentration and comprehension.