Public speaking anxiety, commonly known as stage fear is a universal experience that can strike even the most experienced individuals. Whether you are a student presenting in front of classmates, a professional giving a business pitch or someone delivering a speech at a special event, the fear of speaking in public is a challenge that many face.

Stage fear comes from various factors, including fear of judgment, fear of making mistakes or simply the fear of being the centre of attention. Public speaking anxiety can have an impact on individuals, affecting their confidence, self-esteem and overall well-being. It may hinder personal and professional growth, limiting opportunities for advancement and success.

Acknowledge that nervousness is a natural part of public speaking. Instead of fighting it, channel that energy into enthusiasm and passion for your topic. Remember, a certain level of nervousness can enhance your performance. Visualize yourself succeeding in your presentation. Picture the audience reacting positively, and imagine yourself speaking confidently. Visualisation can help rewire your brain to associate public speaking with success rather than fear.

Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves. Focus on slow, deep breaths to center yourself before taking the stage. Controlled breathing can help reduce anxiety and improve your overall composure. Remember, you are not alone in experiencing stage fear and with persistence, you can turn the spotlight into a tool for empowerment and success.