The viva or oral examination is a crucial component of academic assessments, especially at the post graduation level. Whether you are submitting your thesis, presenting your research findings or undergoing a viva for any other academic purpose, thorough preparation is a key to success.

The foundation of a successful viva lies in a deep understanding of your Topic or subject. Revisit your study, research, methodology and findings. Be prepared to discuss your work in a clear way and protect your choices with statements. Practice makes a person perfect and conducting mock viva sessions is an excellent way to prepare. Enlist the help of your peers, mentors or advisors to perform the viva experience. This will not only help you refine your responses but also familiarise you with the potential challenges of the real examination.

Familiarise yourself with the specific format of your viva. Know the duration, structure and any guidelines provided by your institution. Understanding what to expect will help you manage your time effectively and reduce anxiety on the day of the examination.

Nervousness is natural but being composed is crucial. Take deep breaths, listen carefully to questions and respond thoughtfully. If you encounter a challenging question, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or take a moment to gather your thoughts.

Regardless of the outcome, view the viva as an opportunity for growth. Embrace feedback from your examiners and use it to enhance your understanding. Constructive criticism is a valuable tool for refining your work and advancing as a student.