College is often described as a time of self-discovery, growth and new beginnings. When those beginnings don’t go as planned, what happens when you need to hit the reset button and start over. Whether it is switching majors, transferring to a new school or simply taking a step back to reassess your goals, the concept of restarting is a common experience for many college students.

Before diving into a restart, take some time to reflect on your college journey so far. What have been the highs and lows? What have you learned about yourself, your interests and your aspirations. Reflecting on your experiences can provide valuable insights as you prepare to embark on a new chapter.

When you think a restart, it is important to clarify your motivations. Why do you feel the need for a fresh start? What are you hoping to achieve or change? By identifying your “why” you can establish a clear sense of purpose and direction to guide you through the process.

Restarting can be challenging, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Reach out to friends, family members, mentors or counsellors for support and guidance. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and are willing to offer encouragement and assistance along the way.