In the journey of education, students find themselves walking a tightrope between academics and extracurricular activities. On one hand there are lectures, assignments and exams demanding attention and on the other hand there are sports teams, clubs, arts and other activities. While both are integral parts of a well-rounded education, but finding the right balance between the two can be challenging yet rewarding.

The first step towards achieving balance is to prioritise tasks. That is identifying your academic commitments such as classes, study sessions and deadlines. Then, allocate time for your extracurricular activities accordingly. Utilise planners or digital calendars to schedule your time effectively, ensure that neither academics nor extracurricular overshadow the other.

Establishing effective study habits can help in optimising your academic performance while leaving time for extracurricular pursuits. Find a study environment that suits you, whether it is a quiet library or a coffee shop. Break down study sessions into manageable chunks and utilise techniques such as active recall and spaced repetition to enhance learning efficiency.

Recognise your limits and learn to delegate tasks when necessary. Whether it is academic group projects or extracurricular responsibilities, don’t hesitate to collaborate with others and share the workload. Additionally, learn to say no to commitments that may overwhelm you or detract from your overall well-being.