Entering college marks a thrilling chapter in life which is filled with new experiences and opportunities. Along with academic challenges and social adventures, money management is very crucial for a successful college journey.

Always start by understanding your income and expenses, for that create a budget. List all sources of income including allowances, part-time jobs or any financial support. Next, outline your monthly expenses like tuition, books, accommodation, food, transportation and miscellaneous expense. Creating a budget will provide a clear picture of where your money is going and help you prioritize your spending.

Track Your Spending by keeping a record of your daily expenses. This could be done through apps, spreadsheets or simply writing down your purchases in a notebook. Tracking your spending will reveal patterns and areas where you can cut back which will allow you to stay within your budget.

Learn to distinguish between essential expenses and non-essential ones. While some purchases are necessary and others may be impulsive. Prioritise your needs and allocate your funds accordingly by keeping in mind the importance of saving for future goals.

Save an emergency amount for unexpected expenses. Having a financial safety net amount will help you to avoid relying on credit cards or loans in times of crisis and this will also provide peace of mind and stability. Remember, the habits you develop now will shape your financial well-being for years to come.