Whenever we think of a healthy human being, our mind focuses only on the physical health of
that human. We tend to neglect the very important element of the overall well being of a person
i.e the mental health of that individual. Mind is a wonderful tool which can create heaven out of
hell or hell out of heaven merely based on one’s thinking pattern. A large section of mental
health has to do with stress. How sound a person’s mental health is, directly proportional to the
ability of his or her dealing with the stress.

Stress can be of different forms, it can be mild, acute or chronic. Mild stress is common in
nature found in almost every individual, which can be easily managed or fades away
automatically and quickly. Acute stress on the other hand is the one that a person experiences
when he faces a challenge or an unexpected situation occurs. The frequency of occurrence of
the acute stress is comparatively higher than the mild stress. The most extended form of the
stress is the chronic stress which can result in severe health hazards such as breathlessness,
high blood pressure, anxiety or panic attacks. Chronic stress might need medical assistance to
pacify the symptoms observed.

An effective way to keep mental health in check is by successfully managing the stress. There
are ample ways through which stress can be reduced. A walk in nature, spending time with
happy and positive people, engaging yourself in some playful or relaxing activity, involving
oneself in a hobby or leisure. Also, there are defined ways of boosting your mental health such
as performing yoga, incorporating cardio, exercises including weight lifting and bodybuilding and
more. An optimal body workout not only ensures profound mental health but also strong
physical health.