On 28/07/2023 Day Friday Department of Community Health Nursing Celebrated World Hepatitis Day on the Theme “One Life One Liver” under the guidance of Prof. Sheetal Das HOD (CHN). The department has organized an expert talk concerning the WHO theme, Dr. Shivshankar Badole Asst. Professor, Medicine department envisaged about the history, current situation, and prevention of various Hepatitis infection. Programme started by welcome speech by MrShakeel Mohan Asst. Prof., Followed by unveiled the theme Prof. Sheetal das, Dr. Mousmi S lendhe. Principal PCN&RC addressed the key issues about hepatitis day. At the end of programme, CHN department felicitated to Dr. Shivshankar for expert contributionVote of thanks delivered by Mrs. Deepika Singh, Asst. ProfAt the end of event photos session was held
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