Department of Applied Science & Humanities
The main objective of department is to provide a solid platform to our student through Chemistry, Physics, Maths & communication skill (as industries and R&D sector demands good communication skills) ,Again Chemistry and Physics is an essential subject for industrial growth and production, Chemistry and Physics subject contains all the essential parts of industrial required topics as well as these subjects also provides important, direct and interdisciplinary research oriented topics, Physics and Maths also playing a vital role in all kind of research without all above said subject real research platform cannot be develop and our student cannot attain the deep sense of Engineering as well as other aspects of industrial requirements. The department of Applied Science and HU. having a enough number of well qualified, experienced and skilled faculties ,most of them are PhDs or pursuing their Ph.D.
Faculties from Appl.Sc. & HU. Department continuously contributing their best in research activities .On an average department delivering more than 12 papers in different generals and seminars per year. We are also working to get some good research projects from national level agencies to develop standard research atmosphere in university because ultimately it directly affects and increases positive research aptitude of our students as well as encourages our student to generate new ideas and innovative invention in Engineering trends .
Recently department also participating to initiate People’s University PhD program in Applied Science subjects, so in this sequence we are establishing research labs. Department also organized FDPs and national seminar on current topics of interest related to Science and Technology for all faculties on regular basis. In all the means department of Applied Sc. & HU is dedicated and working to take our students towards the apex of successful Engineering career through teaching, research, communication and guidance.